
Unraveling The Mystery: A Revealing Review Of ‘Hidden Pictures’ By Jason Rekulak


Mallory Quinn is fresh out of rehab when she lands a job as a babysitter for the Maxwell family. Her task? To care for their five-year-old son, Teddy.

Despite her initial hesitations, Mallory quickly finds herself drawn to the job. With her own space and a sense of stability, she relishes the opportunity to bond with Teddy, a sweet and shy child who is always seen with his sketchbook and pencil in hand.

However, things take a dark turn when Teddy’s innocent drawings start depicting disturbing scenes, including a man dragging a woman’s lifeless body through a forest. As Teddy’s artwork becomes increasingly sinister and detailed, Mallory begins to suspect that they might be glimpses into a long-unsolved murder.

Despite the scepticism of those around her, Mallory becomes determined to unravel the mystery behind Teddy’s drawings and protect him from whatever dark forces may be at play. Will she be able to decipher the images in time to save Teddy from danger?

My Thoughts

This one definitely had me hooked with its intriguing plot and mysterious storyline. I mean, who wouldn’t be drawn in by the idea of a babysitter uncovering dark secrets hidden in a child’s drawings, right? Mallory’s journey, from her fresh start out of rehab to her unsettling discoveries while babysitting Teddy, kept me turning the pages, eager to uncover the truth.

But, I’ll be honest, it did take me a bit longer to get through this one than I expected. Don’t get me wrong, the plot kept me engaged, but there were moments where the pacing felt a tad slow, making it a bit of a struggle to stay fully invested.


Jason Rekulak is an author and editor known for his work in the publishing industry. He served as the publisher of Quirk Books, a Philadelphia-based independent publishing house known for its quirky and innovative titles. During his time at Quirk Books, Rekulak was involved in the publication of numerous bestsellers, including “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” by Seth Grahame-Smith.


Despite the occasional lull, “Hidden Pictures” offers a captivating blend of suspense and mystery that’s perfect for fans of the genre. The characters are complex, the atmosphere is eerie, and the twists and turns will keep you guessing until the very end. So, if you’re looking for a read that’ll leave you pondering its secrets long after you’ve finished, this one’s definitely worth a shot!

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