
The Housemaid’s Secret – Book Review


Behind the closed doors of a mysterious penthouse, secrets unravel as a housemaid grapples with an uneasy feeling about her elusive employer, Mrs. Garrick. Grateful for a job that doesn’t pry into her past, the housemaid focuses on cleaning and maintaining the opulent residence. Yet, Mrs. Garrick remains an enigma, her cries audible through the door. When the housemaid notices disturbing details during her chores, a decision to confront the woman behind the bedroom door sets off a chain of events that changes everything. With a promise made and secrets to keep, the housemaid becomes determined to protect Mrs. Garrick, even if it means confronting the wrongs of Douglas Garrick.

My Thoughts

Okay, so at first, I was like, “Eh, just another regular story.” But hold up – Part 2 hit me like a ton of bricks! I did not see that twist coming, like, at all. The whole dual perspective thing threw me for a loop, turning everything I thought I knew upside down. And guess what? I polished off this whole captivating story in just two days – couldn’t put it down.

Now, it’s not like this book is my ultimate, ride-or-die thriller. I mean, I’ve read some mind-blowing ones before, and this didn’t quite hit those crazy heights. But you know what? That last twist? It bumped up my rating to a solid four stars. Sure, it wasn’t the most ground breaking thriller I’ve ever read, but that final revelation? I was legit clapping my hands with surprise and total satisfaction. So yeah, it’s got its quirks, but that ending? Chef’s kiss!


Freida McFadden is a Amazon number 1 best seller for selling multiple kindle thrillers. I am loving reading her books, all of them so far have been rated different.


If you are looking for a thriller with an exciting twist that you will 100% not see coming, then this is it! Such an easy read to get lost in.

I had no idea it was the second book in a series! I dont think i missed anything as there was no references in this one that had me confused. I do wish i had read them in order though. I will be reading the first one still, its called the Housemaid. You can find it here.

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